All across America, modern pioneers are quietly tending their homesteads and reclaiming their self-sufficiency, independence, and health. In ‘The Homestead Documentary’ you can get an intimate look at the homesteading movement sweeping the country as we share personal interviews telling real and raw stories of everyday families who have embraced the simple life. If you’re like us, you want to live a more simple, sustainable life. The frantic, “plugged-in” pace of modern life has lost its appeal and you long to go back to simpler times.
The good news is that it might be easier than you think.
You don’t have to wait for the right time, to move onto acres of land in the middle of nowhere, you can make it work for you right now, and these homesteaders will show you how to reclaim your health, your independence, and focus on true sustainability no matter where you live.
Discover inspiration to live healthier, raise your own food, and create a homestead that fulfills you!
Reclaim Simple Living TODAY!
Watch the first five episodes of ‘The Homestead Documentary: Season 2’ for FREE in January 2023
What is the homestead documentary ?
The Homestead Documentary is a grass roots documentary for people who want to pursue the homestead life. The documentary is a self filmed, professionally produced mini series which showcases the real and raw stories of over 50 homestead families across 2 seasons and 20 episodes. Hosted by Melissa K Norris of Pioneering today and Carrie Wilson of The Little Pallet Farmhouse, The Homestead Documentary was created to show how families all across the US, from all backgrounds, and all walks of life, can start where they are, use what they have and do what they can to pursue this life of self sufficiency and how you can too!
What do the episodes cover ?
Every episode showcases the lives of homesteaders and small farmers who share their own stories of how they produce, provide and profit from the land that they live on and how they got started. Some share their skills and knowledge, take you behind the scenes of their small businesses and share tips and ideas for others who wish to get started on this journey.
What do I get?
2 seasons, 20 episodes, 50 families
Season 1 - meet 30 homesteaders showing how to produce provide and profit from the land that you live on, learn how to make a living on your homestead. (We are in Season 1 back when we lived at our last home and turned the backyard into a fully sustainable yard)
Season 2 -meet 20 homesteaders sharing their niche passion and how & why they got started and how it looks in different states, from the suburban backyards to midwest prairies.
Who is the documentary for ?
The homestead documentary is for you If you are someone who:
- Craves a simple and sustainable lifestyle
- Wants to live a life punctuated by freedom and resilience
- Seeks security, purpose and connection in the day to day
- Wants to make an income from the comfort of your own home
- Believes health is something to be reclaimed through food and natural living
What homesteading topics does the documentary cover?
Across both seasons there is literally something for everybody who wants to be living a life of sustainability, independence and health.
Here are all the topics covered:
● What is modern day homesteading and how is it different to homesteading of old
● How to start homesteading and live off the land
● Growing microgreens, mushrooms and edible flowers for profit
● A day in the life of a market gardener
● Getting started with sourdough bread
● Getting started with chickens
● Raising rare breed chickens and breeding to standard
● The process of DIY sugar mapling
● Raising Nigerian Dwarf goats for home dairy
● Making butter and cheese at home
● Home raised beef, farm to table
● How pasture provides home raised pork, lamb and chicken.
● Homestead bees for business and honey
● Home run businesses using your land
● Digital Homesteading - online businesses
● Healthy homesteading - gluten free breads & gut health.
● Homesteading on a small suburban setup
● DIY building a debt free home
● Raising ducks, geese and turkeys
● Building a homesteading legacy
● Raising rare breed animals
● Homesteaders going digital to share knowledge and make online income
● Airbnb rentals and how to make money from a homestead
● Sawmilling and home run businesses
● The farm yarn process, natural fibers & DIY dying
● Preserving produce from putting meat in the freezer and canning to feed the family year round.
● The family cow & the commitment of home dairy.
● Farmhouse handcrafts, woods, linens, vintage sign making, sustainable, no waste craftsmanship
● Soap making & the business of soap
● Candle making with beeswax
● Cut flower gardens and running a CSA
● Vintage art with sand dried flowers
Q: How do I watch ?
If you register to attend our FREE premiere, from January 9th-13th 2023 you can watch the first 5 episodes of season 2 for FREE, there is no catch other than the premiere lasts for 5 days ONLY.
PLUS each day there will be bonus live sessions with featured homesteaders and giveaways, we love this community so much that we wanted everyone to have a chance to watch for free. All you have to do is register and we will send you your daily invitation by email when we are ready to start rolling.